
The web is a great place for opportunity and a level playing field right$%: Well it depends on who is playing fair and for what side they are playing. This is especially true when it comes to buying leads. Sure leads are the lifeblood of any MLM, business opportunity, or networking program. You must have an endless supply of targeted, fresh, qualified leads to pitch to. The issue at hand here is what's the smartest way to generate the leads you seek.

If you listen to a fast talking lead or list broker they will tell you all the reasons that on the surface sound great as to why you should buy or rent leads and lists from them and only them. And since there are as many or more people selling lead as their are business opportunities, how do you know who to listen to and who to spend your hard earned dollars with$%:

If you think this article has an agenda and I'm going to give you an affiliate link at the end to buy leads from me you are wrong. Relax, I'm not here to sell anything. I don't even sell leads anyway. I am the leader of a huge success team working the Coastal Vacations program. I can tell you I didn't become one of the all time top income earners of eleven years because I bought or rented leads!

As with anything there is a hard way and a smart way. If you buy leads you are going to learn quickly that you might as well set your money on fire and throw it out the window as you drive down the road. At least that way you can get some entertainment value out of it even it it only lasts a few seconds.

Lead and list brokers claim to have the perfect list of names. And it never matters what program or opportunity you are working. What gets me is the lead brokers who claim they have the perfect list without first ever asking which program you are working. Gee, I guess they are somehow psychic too... no not hardly. They are simply out to take your money.

Lead brokers will say everything they can think of (and some of them are quite convincing) to get you to buy their leads. And when you call them up afterwards, (you know when zero sales came in as a result of the leads you bought and you got a bunch of underaged kids and people who either filled out a sweepstakes offer online or never opted in for any incentivized offer in the first place) and ask why such a bad response, you will hear them say it is your fault because you didn't work the leads properly. And wouldn't you know it, they have something to sell you to help you discover how to work the leads the right way! Lucky you right$%:

Don't waste your time buying or renting lead lists. Instead spend your money wisely and discover how to generate your own leads. At least you will know exactly how they were generated and that they are really targeted to your market.

Here's a great question to ask people who are trying to sell you leads. "If these leads are so great, why don't you join the opportunity and quietly use these leads to rake in thousands every day$%:" The answer is usually... "I'm not in the business opportunity business. I'm in the leads business." or... "The company makes us sign something saying we will not join any opportunity etc. etc. blah blah blah" Neither is acceptable if you have common sense.

You would be far better off getting yourself a toll free voice mail number and running your own ad in USA Today on a Friday. If your ad copy is decent you will get a couple hundred calls. And then you will not have to deal with any of the headaches associated with buying leads.

Simply ask yourself if you want to grossly over pay for worthless leads who have already been called a zillion times and are not even remotely qualified for what you want or if you would rather talk with serious people sho have the money and the mindset to get started immediately$%:

Another trick lead brokers use all the time is changing the dates on lead lists to make them appear fresh. Feel like buying a list of names and numbers that are literally two years old$%: Call up a lead broker and that's most likely what you will get! You may get a list of names taken from one of those frisbies... I mean CD's containing 80 million names on it that claims to be priceless etc.

Be smart. Use your head. Don't buy leads.

    創作者 enjoliver 的頭像


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